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来源:2exam.com 2013-8-11 23:50:28



  This chart illustrates the number of tourists visiting London Zoo, Kew Garden and Regent's Park in the ten-year period from 1978 to 1987.

  The tourists visiting Regent's Park remained stable at the level of 28,000 people between 1978 and 1983, then increased to 40,000 people from 1983 to 1984, and stayed constant at 40,000 during the rest three years.

  As to Kew Garden, there was a steady increase in tourists from about 48,000 people in 1978 to the peak of approximately 65,000 people in 1981. However, since then, there had been a steady decrease to the bottom of only 40,000 people in 1987.

  By comparison, London Zoo experienced a totally different trend of development. Between 1978 and the mid-1980, the number of tourists declined from 60,000 people to about 53,000 people in 1981. Since mid-1980, there had been a modest increase in tourists until 1984. From the time onwards, a dramatic increase took place, which was to continue up to 1987. The number of tourists ballooned to almost 100,000 in 1986.

  In conclusion, both Regent's Park and London Zoo have attracted more tourists during the past ten years, while Kew Garden has become less popular.

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